Expanding Internet Access, ITS Abmas Installs Network Transmitter

Image of the ITS Abmas team handing over to the people of Ketuwon VillageImage of the ITS Abmas team handing over to the people of Ketuwon Village

ITS Abmas Team during the handover and licensing of antenna installation repeaters And omnidirectional in Ketuwon Village, Pasuruan

ITS Campus, ITS News As time goes by, internet access has become a person’s basic need in everyday life. To expand internet reach in Indonesia, the Community Service Team (Abmas) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) built an internet network transmitter in Ketuwon Village, Pasuruan, Wednesday (15/11).

The Student Coordinator of the ITS Abmas team, Jona Meivan Frendo Saragih said that currently several areas in Indonesia still do not have good internet access, one of which is Ketuwon Village, Pasuruan Regency. This area becomes one of the zones blind spots internet because the internet signal cannot reach the Bromo mountain area.

Based on this problem, this team implemented an internet network retransmitter or repeaters to expand and strengthen signal connections in the area. Antenna repeaters installed will catch the signal from Base Transceiver Station (BTS) or signal transmitting center. From there, the captured signal will be transmitted back to the antenna omnidirectional which can expand the reach of the internet around.

Schematic drawing of the re-transmission tower flowSchematic drawing of the re-transmission tower flow

Re-transmitting tower flow scheme to expand the internet network

Furthermore, the activities which started in September began with determining the location to place the antenna repeaters in a mountainous area not far from Ketuwon Village. Jona said that to install the antenna you need a high location so that the signal received is not blocked by trees or tall buildings. “Determining the antenna placement point repeaters “This is assisted by the UISP Design Center website,” explained the alumnus of SMA Negeri 2 Balige.

The team headed by Dr tech Prasetiyono Hari Mukti ST MT carried out the survey and installation of the antenna repeaters according to a predetermined point. Then, installation and configuration is carried out to connect to the main server. Lastly, process pointing or adjust the position repeaters parallel to the center of the signal transmitter to amplify the signal captured by the antenna repeaters.

In the process, Jona revealed repeaters installed managed to capture a signal of -47 decibel milliwatts. This value exceeds the standard for wireless network signal strength from antennas in general, namely -50 decibel milliwatts. “The closer the value is to zero, the better the signal strength emitted will be,” said the Electrical Engineering student class of 2020.

Image of the Abmas team installing the repeater antennaImage of the Abmas team installing the repeater antenna

ITS Abmas Team installing the antenna repeaters in Ketuwon Village, Pasuruan

Additionally, the antenna repeaters it also has monitoring devices connected to the control center. With the help of this device, antenna performance can be continuously monitored so that it remains stable and maintained. The signal that was successfully captured repeaters will be transmitted to the antenna omnidirectional located in the zone blind spots Ketuwon Village and spread over five kilometers.

Lastly, he hopes that the availability of internet access can be utilized for the needs of the local community. The easier it is to access this information, the more people can open businesses, create jobs, and improve the quality of education and economic growth in Ketuwon Village. “Hopefully it can help the local community develop,” he concluded hopefully.

Reporter: Muhammad Aulia Zikra

Editor: Rayinda Santriana US