Rotten Hewlett Packard deal in focus at San Francisco trial of fallen British tech star

SAN FRANCISCO — An $11 billion acquisition that backfired on Silicon Valley pioneer Hewlett Packard more than a decade ago will be resurrected Monday during a trial that will explore whether the deal was an illegal rip-off or a case of botched management. The criminal trial in San Francisco federal court revolves around HP’s acquisition of British software maker Autonomy, a deal that was celebrated as a coup when it was announced in 2011, only to blow up into a costly debacle. Before HP wrapped up the deal, Meg Whitman was hired to be CEO of the company started 85…Continue Reading

Devin AI: What is it, steps to get access and everything you need to know

Cognition introduced Devin A.I as the world’s first AI software engineer. The tech company has claimed that its new AI tool is designed to help users with its coding and machine learning capabilities. The company claims that Devin takes things beyond just conversations and gets things done with command prompts. It is a full-functional teammate that’s ready to build alongside the user and also help them complete tasks quickly.Devin AI: What all it can doPlan and execute: Cognition claims that Devin AI, with its long-term reasoning and planning can get things done even things with complex engineering and tasks that…Continue Reading

Exascale’s New Software Frontier: Combustion-PELE – High-Performance Computing News Analysis

“Exascale’s New Frontier,” a project from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, explores the new applications and software technology for driving scientific discoveries in the exascale era. The scientific challenge Diesel and gas-turbine engines drive the world’s trains, planes, and ships, but the fossil fuels that power these engines produce much of the carbon emissions that fuel the greenhouse effect and global climate change. Scientists have spent the past half-century in search of cleaner-burning fuels but have been hindered by the complexities of the high-pressure, turbulent reacting environment inside practical combustion chambers. Electrification trends ongoing across the automotive industry have…Continue Reading